5 Benefits of Cloud Computing that will make you go Cloud Today!


Cloud computing came to life a long time ago but it has only been a while that everyone is adopting it. There are various enterprises that are considering cloud computing to keep their data and information. Instead of running programs from a physical computer, cloud computing has come as a life saver for even the individuals.

Cloud computing is everywhere: when you are using emails on your phone, updating a Facebook status or checking balance on your phone, you’re at it. Internet has everything for everyone so why go to physical computers when you can get it all here?

There are so many reasons why various businesses are moving to cloud computing. Alongside increasing efficiency, find out other benefits that may fit your needs as well.

  1.       Flexibility

Cloud computing is an amazing option for small-scale businesses or even startups for they have fluctuating bandwidth needs. They can scale up or down the cloud capacity in accordance with their needs.

  1.       Recovery

Businesses are concerned about disaster recovery, regardless of their sizes. Although larger businesses can invest in the matter but smaller businesses cannot afford an all-grand setup. Therefore, there are a higher number of smaller businesses using cloud computing than the larger ones.

  1.       Mobility

If you have everything on cloud computing, all you need is an internet connection and you can begin working from just about anywhere. With mobile apps offered by cloud service providers, it is not restricted to any device.

  1.       Security

Machines are expensive tools if they need to be replaced. If something happens to the laptop, it will be a great loss of the machine as well as the sensitive information which is even more intensely valuable. Cloud computing can have you recover it all and wipe it off the machine if something happens.

  1.       User-friendly

Apart from businesses, individuals at home are also using cloud computing which is why everyone is aware of the usefulness of it.

If you own a startup and are worried about the data storage sensitivity, consider all the benefits cloud computing can provide you with. It not only saves time and money but can raise the business’s potential overall. Go cloud today!

Best Practices for Choosing Backgrounds in Web Design


Web design has transformed really fast in the manner of styling. If you compare any website from a decade ago to a version today, you are sure to discover major differences in the overall design. Background is the major factor that has brought about the overall change as they represent the core features and make the website visually interesting.

The backgrounds of the website have really evolved, making the websites look more captivating in their look and feel. If you want your website to shine then take a look at the best practices that are trending for backgrounds in the current era.

  1.       Layered content and body background

This structure includes multiple layers of backgrounds with body background at the bottom and content background placed on top. Choose either a large image to make for an enticing look or any other graphical element. The elements are well separated from each other to form neat layers.

  1.       Content placed directly on body background

This structure has the content that is placed directly upon a background texture or illustration. It is a tricky technique but you would be able to pull it off nicely if you mix, match and balance the colors perfectly. The text needs to be easily readable so you should be able to get the contrast right.

  1.       Content background and body as one

This is the easiest and least complex of them all. Its simplicity accounts to the matter that the content background is actually the body background. Set it up with one color or blend in a few more colors to make it more exciting.

Bonus Tip: Remember to play with highlights and color combinations but don’t drift away. Now go catch that audience with an excellent choice of backgrounds for your website.