5 Magic Tricks for SEO you can use right away


Search Engine Optimization sometimes seems it has exhausted all its resources. There are old-school techniques that are still utilized by top brands. However, if you dig in a little deeper, there’s something else that these brands are doing with SEO: they are hanging on to some ‘magic tricks’.

The magic tricks are not literally magic tricks but are hidden secrets which are what particularly lie behind the magic trick. To begin with, they ensure that even if they use, say, an approach that is 5 years old, they ensure that the technique is the right fit for them. Once that has been decided, they ensure that they utilize 100% resources into executing the technique correctly.

So what are the gaps really that they must be exploring and we haven’t gotten our hands onto? This is where the secret behind the magic trick is disclosed – five magic tricks that can drive your SEO to success.

  1.       Discovering Keywords on Reddit

Keywords research is the name of the game for SEO and Reddit is like a goldmine if you really want to discover some fresh keywords. There’s an entire community over there that is discussing just about everything. Go through those keywords to find out keywords that are not even there on the Google Keyword Planner.

  1.       Delicious has Link Prospects

Since you are the pro, you must be aware from the fact that people who have been sharing similar content in the past are the best opportunities right up front. www.Delicious.com has a directory of just that. Go for a broader keyword, look up people there who have their website listed, contact them and let them know about your similar content.

  1.       Wikipedia with the broken link building

Broken link building is a scalable and powerful technique. While you know what to do with these links, the real problem is finding them. Wikipedia has it all for you right there. When the Wikipedia editor stumbles on the broken link, it is not deleted instantly and instead is being tagged with “dead link”. This makes it easier for you to find it.

  1.       Content Curation that works

Content curation needs to be benefits-focused rather than just a list that people have been reading for a lifetime. Since it focuses on the outcomes that the audience has been raving about, it is an amazing tactic to go about.

  1.       Link out to the authority sites

The latest Google update is something everyone keeps an eye on. However, an important algorithm update from 2003 plays a major role. Hilltop still has a role to play for the search engine landscape and tells Google about a page, based on the good quality and in accordance with the relevance of the outbound links, whether it is a “hub” of the information.

Use these magic tricks to score more with your SEO and stay on the lookout for the ones that fit your website. Good Luck!

5 Benefits of Cloud Computing that will make you go Cloud Today!


Cloud computing came to life a long time ago but it has only been a while that everyone is adopting it. There are various enterprises that are considering cloud computing to keep their data and information. Instead of running programs from a physical computer, cloud computing has come as a life saver for even the individuals.

Cloud computing is everywhere: when you are using emails on your phone, updating a Facebook status or checking balance on your phone, you’re at it. Internet has everything for everyone so why go to physical computers when you can get it all here?

There are so many reasons why various businesses are moving to cloud computing. Alongside increasing efficiency, find out other benefits that may fit your needs as well.

  1.       Flexibility

Cloud computing is an amazing option for small-scale businesses or even startups for they have fluctuating bandwidth needs. They can scale up or down the cloud capacity in accordance with their needs.

  1.       Recovery

Businesses are concerned about disaster recovery, regardless of their sizes. Although larger businesses can invest in the matter but smaller businesses cannot afford an all-grand setup. Therefore, there are a higher number of smaller businesses using cloud computing than the larger ones.

  1.       Mobility

If you have everything on cloud computing, all you need is an internet connection and you can begin working from just about anywhere. With mobile apps offered by cloud service providers, it is not restricted to any device.

  1.       Security

Machines are expensive tools if they need to be replaced. If something happens to the laptop, it will be a great loss of the machine as well as the sensitive information which is even more intensely valuable. Cloud computing can have you recover it all and wipe it off the machine if something happens.

  1.       User-friendly

Apart from businesses, individuals at home are also using cloud computing which is why everyone is aware of the usefulness of it.

If you own a startup and are worried about the data storage sensitivity, consider all the benefits cloud computing can provide you with. It not only saves time and money but can raise the business’s potential overall. Go cloud today!

Ultimate Solutions to Solving the SEO Puzzle


SEO is like a puzzle – everything that you need to solve is up front and yet its complex and calls for strategic approach to solve it. No matter what level of expertise you withhold regarding SEO, there will always be a piece that just won’t fit and you will need to find another way round, or if you are lucky, put the right piece in place.

Another aspect of SEO is that time evolves, new and improved technologies and innovation keep on coming, and so they change the way how things work in the past. SEO continues to evolve and as of the current time, it is the new content management. With that, have come tricky dilemmas, which are again complex puzzles that require a solution.

Read on to learn about the ultimate solutions to changing trends in SEO:

  •         Site map is key

A site map may seem like a harmless little thing but it has a major impact on any website traffic. Add links and make it easier for the spiders to crawl your site. If you have a larger site then you may need more than one site map but remember, including it is necessary to keep your visitors away from the clutter.

  •          Gov. and edu. over .com and others

gov. and edu. are certainly more authentic than other sites but backlinking needs to be natural regardless of the links. Also, if the content in the backlink on edu. is relevant, only then will it be worth doing. Think of websites that really matter to the targeted audience.

  •         Semantically-related keywords

If you are on the way to get better results from SEO, make sure you understand semantic search technology – it is what Bing and Google are relying upon. There are various ways to find the popular keywords that you can use to optimize your website. Create a list of your own and check Google or Bing to see what they have to say – the more the merrier. Come up with a relevant keyword, enter it and find out the ‘related keywords’ that come up as a result.

  •         Maintaining a high ranking, once achieved

Let’s assume you have optimized it all well and have achieved a high ranking. Now, what can you do if can’t control your competitors or users who search for something else. This requires a defensive strategy which includes changes to be made when need be. Set aside resources and budget for the matter and add in fresh information regularly. Sometimes outdated or even content that has become irrelevant over time becomes a major cause of losing the rankings. Watch out for that.

Having all the solutions to the SEO puzzle, make sure you optimize your site right. Still need help? Hire SEO experts to help you out!