4 Web Design Trends in 2016 you just can’t ignore


The digital platforms offer a great deal of convenience today more than ever. However, in the thought of enjoying the ease, we ignore the efforts in the background that has brought us this simplicity of processes. Maintaining an online presence is no easy task whatsoever – this is an accepted fact.

The real challenge here is not only satisfying the customer but keeping up with the speed of advancements as well. The digital platforms may be helping to empathize with the customers, reading their engagement patterns but tapping the technological advancement is where the bigger problem lies. Such is the case with web design development industry.

If only businesses were staying up-to-date with the current trends, they would have been able to make their online presence even better as far as the matters of web design in Dubai is concerned. A web design agency Dubai based has collecting some web designing trends for the current year that just can’t be ignored, have a look:


  1.       Sliders aren’t effective anymore

Sliders are incorporated in website designs to lure the visitor into clicking the most important features. With the visuals making them attractive, chances would have been higher if only this worked anymore. A larger percentage merely clicks on first slider while the rest of the slider go unnoticed, thanks to the minimized attention spans. Say no to sliders and go with either a static approach or a scroll-down-for-more feature.


  1.       Customized images over stock photos

If you look at the websites that are driving a greater traffic to their pages, you would notice a pattern: Customized images. Stock photos were quite in yesterday but today, custom images are taking the lead. Many marketers have planned on incorporating custom photography as part of their web designs this year. The value of custom images is suddenly gaining a lot of importance.


  1.       Say no to heavy pages

Visitors today have zero tolerance towards loading issues. If your web page has a slower loading speed, there is a higher chance the visitor will abandon immediately. Too many sliders also cause this to happen, alongside other gimmicks that creates a heavy cluster.


  1.       Visual art of storytelling

Being humans, we automatically and emotionally connect to stories. Various brands today are doing the same with a little twist though. They are using infographics, illustrations, videos and even photos to communicate their brand story. These are slowly becoming the core of strategy, regardless of the industry.

Along with keeping you up-to-date, they can also help in improving conversion rates as well as retention rates as they are aligned with what the customers demand as the technology progresses. Determine which of these fits your business best and take control over the world of web design and development via these trends.

Time-Saving Web Designing Tips to Speed up your Workflow


Most web designers are lying on secrets that helps them to achieve their milestones. They come as a result of the hard-earned experience from the web designing services that separates them from the lot of web designers, making them a topper in the niche.

We have persuaded and collected a few hacks from these web designers to deliver you the required knowledge that can help you in your web designing endeavors. Discover the secrets of the web design and development Dubai-based companies who are experts in delivering creative web design solutions.

Code Faster

If you are using Mac then Code-Kit is must for the web designers, comes an advice straight from an expert. The browser reloading feature is amazing and completely worth the cost.

Character Count

For a comfortable reading, it is a safe choice to have 4-75 characters per line. The tip can also work for the responsive designs. Also try A/B testing before you finalize anything.

Export Images in the form of 8bit PNG

Here’s another good tip coming from an expert from one of the creative web design studio. To export images from Photoshop to PNG, do so as an 8bit PNG for transparency isn’t really necessary. Once you do that you can easily notice that the image quality is not at all affected but the size of the file has been dramatically reduced.

The 12-Colum Grid

A grid that has columns divisible by 2, 3 and even 4 usually works just fine. However, it is a better option to have a 12 column grid as it is the most versatile as well as the most popular amongst all. Go for web design friendly grid templates to witness a host of apps.

Colors are Key

Join a community to ensure that the colors you are choosing are coming from a solid inspiration. Most of the times we don’t have an expertise of separating one color from another or remembering the names of them all. It’s good to have inspiration in such cases.

Website for Versioning

If you need the perfect site for version control, Dropbox Pro has come to your rescue. It has a 100GB of storage and is not too complex a system. Your files will receive versioning for 30 days rolling. It also takes care of those accidental deletes.
Use these tips and tweak your web designing skills. These advises from top website designers are sure to aid you in web designing like magic!

Smart tactics for promoting every bit of content you create


Back in the day, simply creating something and getting it online grabbed the customer’s attention. Competition was not as intense and so just about anything worked the easy way out. Since there wasn’t a huge traffic online, if people are interested in what you have created, they will easily find it online.

Today, however, things have changed. With almost everyone getting into the online businesses, distinguishing your content has become almost impossible. Even if you write something extraordinarily amazing, the trouble is in marketing it correctly. Promotion, nonetheless, is not the only goal, customer loyalty needs to be intact too.

So what are the small tactics for promoting your content? Here are some smarter quick wins to ensure it:

  1.       Emailing

Everybody’s got an email list, make use of it. Email your content to everyone on the list. There are people on your list who have signed up in order to receive updates. Make sure you are active and providing them what they really need to read. Filtering shouldn’t be a problem once you get in the habit of it.

  1.       Scheduling

If you schedule everything before time, small operations like these can really help. Use tools that can help you in this activity and schedule posts on various channels. Schedule it altogether on various channels so that not even a few individuals from your audience are missing. Make a calendar for posting.

  1.       Syndication

Building partnerships with big names in the market can really get you that chunk you want. This is the smartest of all the strategies that can be used from time to time but they require effort in the initial stages. Better start today!

  1.       Graphics to support content

Use of quick and easy graphics to support your content is an important aspect. Share a quote from the piece of content you have written alongside a picture – makes for a perfect headline that is absolutely catchy!

Content is a valuable asset – use it wisely!

Best Practices for Choosing Backgrounds in Web Design


Web design has transformed really fast in the manner of styling. If you compare any website from a decade ago to a version today, you are sure to discover major differences in the overall design. Background is the major factor that has brought about the overall change as they represent the core features and make the website visually interesting.

The backgrounds of the website have really evolved, making the websites look more captivating in their look and feel. If you want your website to shine then take a look at the best practices that are trending for backgrounds in the current era.

  1.       Layered content and body background

This structure includes multiple layers of backgrounds with body background at the bottom and content background placed on top. Choose either a large image to make for an enticing look or any other graphical element. The elements are well separated from each other to form neat layers.

  1.       Content placed directly on body background

This structure has the content that is placed directly upon a background texture or illustration. It is a tricky technique but you would be able to pull it off nicely if you mix, match and balance the colors perfectly. The text needs to be easily readable so you should be able to get the contrast right.

  1.       Content background and body as one

This is the easiest and least complex of them all. Its simplicity accounts to the matter that the content background is actually the body background. Set it up with one color or blend in a few more colors to make it more exciting.

Bonus Tip: Remember to play with highlights and color combinations but don’t drift away. Now go catch that audience with an excellent choice of backgrounds for your website.

SEO- A Comparison of Old Vs New



With Google changing its algorithm all the time, webmasters wonder what it takes to complete the SERPs. The world of SEO is thus changing. It is important to focus on branding product and building great content. Here we have discussed how SEO has changed enormously over the years.

On-Site Trafficking

Earlier the SEO goal to gather traffic was to achieve higher ranking on search engines, but now this trend is upgraded where now SEO demands brand exposure and ranking. Organic traffic from search engine is revamped to diversified traffic from social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Earlier analytical and technical knowledge was the need but now with the technical stuff, marketing strategies and knowledge is needed to compete worldwide.

Content Optimization

Content was created for page clicks and view, now content is created for user engagement and revenue. Earlier the headlines were created for keywords, now with the increase in competition headlines are made catchy and content is made engaging to attract more viewers. Numbers matter and the site view was the concern old days, now SEO’s target is to gather future customers that may contribute in business.

Site Link Building and Back-linking

SEO participated in link building activities and exchanging programs, now high quality guest blogging trend on trusted sites is observed. Results were generated based on technical methods; results now are achieved by creating quality content. Earlier on short term efforts were meant to trick search engines, now long term strategy is planned and operations are in accordance with the plan.

The Social Media

Keywords now are replaced with Tags with the hash sign on social media. Content was pushed via social media to gather audiences, now social media is a communication tool used as a platform where business interact. Article publication on sites and link building was the strategy, now with social media influence; viral exposure is needed to circulate your content worldwide.
World change, people modify and trends transform. It is an individual’s responsibility to upgrade itself from what’s happening around him. Keep yourself updated with the latest trends and techniques to survive in this ever competitive world.