Best Practices for Choosing Backgrounds in Web Design


Web design has transformed really fast in the manner of styling. If you compare any website from a decade ago to a version today, you are sure to discover major differences in the overall design. Background is the major factor that has brought about the overall change as they represent the core features and make the website visually interesting.

The backgrounds of the website have really evolved, making the websites look more captivating in their look and feel. If you want your website to shine then take a look at the best practices that are trending for backgrounds in the current era.

  1.       Layered content and body background

This structure includes multiple layers of backgrounds with body background at the bottom and content background placed on top. Choose either a large image to make for an enticing look or any other graphical element. The elements are well separated from each other to form neat layers.

  1.       Content placed directly on body background

This structure has the content that is placed directly upon a background texture or illustration. It is a tricky technique but you would be able to pull it off nicely if you mix, match and balance the colors perfectly. The text needs to be easily readable so you should be able to get the contrast right.

  1.       Content background and body as one

This is the easiest and least complex of them all. Its simplicity accounts to the matter that the content background is actually the body background. Set it up with one color or blend in a few more colors to make it more exciting.

Bonus Tip: Remember to play with highlights and color combinations but don’t drift away. Now go catch that audience with an excellent choice of backgrounds for your website.

SEO- A Comparison of Old Vs New



With Google changing its algorithm all the time, webmasters wonder what it takes to complete the SERPs. The world of SEO is thus changing. It is important to focus on branding product and building great content. Here we have discussed how SEO has changed enormously over the years.

On-Site Trafficking

Earlier the SEO goal to gather traffic was to achieve higher ranking on search engines, but now this trend is upgraded where now SEO demands brand exposure and ranking. Organic traffic from search engine is revamped to diversified traffic from social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Earlier analytical and technical knowledge was the need but now with the technical stuff, marketing strategies and knowledge is needed to compete worldwide.

Content Optimization

Content was created for page clicks and view, now content is created for user engagement and revenue. Earlier the headlines were created for keywords, now with the increase in competition headlines are made catchy and content is made engaging to attract more viewers. Numbers matter and the site view was the concern old days, now SEO’s target is to gather future customers that may contribute in business.

Site Link Building and Back-linking

SEO participated in link building activities and exchanging programs, now high quality guest blogging trend on trusted sites is observed. Results were generated based on technical methods; results now are achieved by creating quality content. Earlier on short term efforts were meant to trick search engines, now long term strategy is planned and operations are in accordance with the plan.

The Social Media

Keywords now are replaced with Tags with the hash sign on social media. Content was pushed via social media to gather audiences, now social media is a communication tool used as a platform where business interact. Article publication on sites and link building was the strategy, now with social media influence; viral exposure is needed to circulate your content worldwide.
World change, people modify and trends transform. It is an individual’s responsibility to upgrade itself from what’s happening around him. Keep yourself updated with the latest trends and techniques to survive in this ever competitive world.

Ultimate Solutions to Solving the SEO Puzzle


SEO is like a puzzle – everything that you need to solve is up front and yet its complex and calls for strategic approach to solve it. No matter what level of expertise you withhold regarding SEO, there will always be a piece that just won’t fit and you will need to find another way round, or if you are lucky, put the right piece in place.

Another aspect of SEO is that time evolves, new and improved technologies and innovation keep on coming, and so they change the way how things work in the past. SEO continues to evolve and as of the current time, it is the new content management. With that, have come tricky dilemmas, which are again complex puzzles that require a solution.

Read on to learn about the ultimate solutions to changing trends in SEO:

  •         Site map is key

A site map may seem like a harmless little thing but it has a major impact on any website traffic. Add links and make it easier for the spiders to crawl your site. If you have a larger site then you may need more than one site map but remember, including it is necessary to keep your visitors away from the clutter.

  •          Gov. and edu. over .com and others

gov. and edu. are certainly more authentic than other sites but backlinking needs to be natural regardless of the links. Also, if the content in the backlink on edu. is relevant, only then will it be worth doing. Think of websites that really matter to the targeted audience.

  •         Semantically-related keywords

If you are on the way to get better results from SEO, make sure you understand semantic search technology – it is what Bing and Google are relying upon. There are various ways to find the popular keywords that you can use to optimize your website. Create a list of your own and check Google or Bing to see what they have to say – the more the merrier. Come up with a relevant keyword, enter it and find out the ‘related keywords’ that come up as a result.

  •         Maintaining a high ranking, once achieved

Let’s assume you have optimized it all well and have achieved a high ranking. Now, what can you do if can’t control your competitors or users who search for something else. This requires a defensive strategy which includes changes to be made when need be. Set aside resources and budget for the matter and add in fresh information regularly. Sometimes outdated or even content that has become irrelevant over time becomes a major cause of losing the rankings. Watch out for that.

Having all the solutions to the SEO puzzle, make sure you optimize your site right. Still need help? Hire SEO experts to help you out!

What Are Video Marketing Techniques, how can they be Useful?


Video Marketing

Marketing your brand is as essential as your product. No matter how good your services are it is worth nothing if it is not marketed properly. Marketing is a wide field; today with innovation we have observed a wider scale of marketing our brand. It is not just limited to textual banners but now 3D graphics and videos are taking it to the next level.

Video marketing is one of the fastest and ever growing marketing strategies observed these days. Unlike banners and ads an interesting 1 minute video can capture the viewer’s attention and turn them up to utilize their product. The essential part of creating a video promotional content is you should offer something new; this will not only make it a viral content but will also helps your product to be marketed effectively.

Make your video entertaining; create a video that reflects your expertise. Establish credibility by using the expert advices in your videos or even testimonials.You can also develop people’s trust by showing how capable your brand or services are.

For small businesses it is really hard to compete in. for them the perfect solution is to create a video promotional content that may help them build a proper market for their product. Video marketing is a clever hack for marketing. Social media is so powerful even if your video has something powerful that hits the users, your video can be viral in no time.

Video marketing is a free ticket to success. With increasing social media users, video marketing is considered essential in marketing businesses. Video marketing is another way to thrive in this competitive marketing world. So what are you waiting for go make your promotional video now.

How to Make Your Digital Marketing Strategy Successful

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a new marketing tactic. Using digital technologies to promote your product, brand or service is what digital marketing is all about. It is yet surprising that a large number of companies do not know what digital marketing is and how it can do benefits to the brand. Even large companies often lacks in proper digital marketing plan hence they can’t even compete online.

Here are few guidelines to help you out to design an effective digital marketing strategy:

Set Your Goals:

To create an effective digital strategy firstly you have to set goals for yourself. Set targets and try different ways to achieve it. You can use social media assistance if you want more productive support for your brand.

You Should Know What You Are Doing:

Always research before you start anything, it will help you know how to use different ways to counter. You should know what you are doing before you start making your strategy. A lack of knowledge about your competition will negatively impact your market position.

Establish Brand Loyalty:

Your online presence will represent what your company is all about; it will show how responsive you are to your customers. The most effective way to engage is to strengthen relations with your customers this turns your site visitor to a potential customer.

Integration with Tradition:

Your strategy can be a fusion of different strategies to, mix them up, produce something new(do not copy) bring a new concept out of the old one. Traditional strategies are the most effective when it comes to online marketing.

Potential Coordination:

Coordinate with your efforts, large companies often spend a handful of resource for digital campaign without having a clear companywide strategy. This results in wastage of both time and money. Design your strategy according to the global objectives of your company; the results will be more productive.

Having a proper digital marketing strategy lays a foundation to work on. When you know which path to travel upon you reaches your goal faster, here what matters is your devotion to what you do. Social media presence and email marketing makes your brand stay fresh and engaging do make sure you aunt skipping these major parts. You can always analyze the functionality of your content to give it a check back. Following the above guideline I hope you’ll layout an effective digital marketing strategy.

Mir Hussain provides creative content for websites and is a passionate writer, loves to read, write and blog.